10 Reasons Why You Should Bike To Work!

10 Reasons Why You Should Bike To Work!
Standing in front of my previous organisation, Thomson Reuters, which is a fun place to work and very supportive to people who wants to report to work on their Bicycle.

While the benefits of cycling to work are nearly innumerable, we managed to round them down to just 10 points,  so that we wouldn’t run out of space on the Internet 😋.  From Know Your Bicycleâ„¢, here are our Top 10 Reasons why you should BIKE TO WORK!!

  • 1) Save Money: Bike to work will help you save a lot of money which anyways goes in for booking cabs, paying tolls & taxes, insurance, fuel or in parking fees. In my case, I saved around 10k in a month just by reporting to work on my bicycle.
Nothing better clears the head for a day at work than an early  morning cycling.
  • 2) Save time, which is more valuable: Looking at the fact, that at peak hours, there is a lot of traffic on roads, which kills your time, and you end up reporting to work late. However, on your bike, you’ll not only make it way before punching time, you can leave early too at your discretion, without depending on anyone.

Sneaking through the traffic makes you feel unstoppable

  • 3) Sense of Confidence: Cycling to work gives you a sense of achievement, which boost the confidence. People look upto you and get inspired. It gives a great feeling and improves over all mood.
  • 4) Keeps you Fit & Fine: Cycling improves cardio-vascular and aerobic fitness, lowers blood pressure, boosts energy, builds muscle, and improves coordination. You don’t have to take out time for gym, as cycling adds to your work-out and boosts your appetite. 
  • 5) Convenience:  One of the most common misconceptions about biking to work is that it’s inconvenient. But what’s more inconvenient is spending 20 minutes looking for parking every morning, waiting for the cab/bus/shuttle or getting stuck in an unexpected roadblock on the way. This is real inconvenience. Waiting is just a waste of time. 
  • 6) You’re​ Not The Only One: When you hit the road early morning, and you see so many people on their Bicycles already, pedaling their way to work, to earn their bread and butter. You’ll definately feel a part of a league of extraordinary people, who are not polluting the environment and silently performing their duties as well. Hats off to all my fellow cyclists. You are my motivators. 
  • 7) Road Presence: The road presence of a fully geared up Cyclist is beyond imagination. Fluroscent jacket, Reflective Tapes, Helmet, Front and Back blinkers, and the hand movements makes you all more visible and responsible on road
Stitched Reflective Tapes on my Bag for visibility on roads while commuting.
  • 8) Experience Freedom: The moment you saddle up, you began to feel the engine inside you getting started, the adrenaline rush which make you go on and on. You feel free and lively, and nothing can stop you once start pedaling. Explore the city at your own pace, try a new route, stop for coffee on the way to work and check out a new neighborhood on your way home. Cycling opens up avenues, both literal and figurative, to see your city in a whole new way. It’s your community, go live in it!

  • 9) Get Smart & Active: Biking to work makes you smarter. Research has proven that moderate, daily exercise can prevent cognitive declinesharpen memory and learning, and improve overall brain performance. Going slow and steady, helps you work on your attention to  a details and hereby getting to your flow state, where you’re laser-focused yet calm and composed.
  • 10) Inspire. Encourage. Motivate:  Quoting Mahatma Gandhi’s Golden Words, “Be the change you want to see.”  Set the right example, and contribute for better world for your kids to get inspired. Pick up cycling and bring it into practice, and inspire as many as you can on the move. 

Work to Eat – Eat to Live. 

Live to Ride – Ride to Work.

Do Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Know Your Bicycleâ„¢ to figure out the bike of your type and all the needful information about cycling.

May you have a wonderful journey ahead! 🚴

Aakaash RS