10 Reasons Why You Should Bike To Work!

10 Reasons Why You Should Bike To Work!
Standing in front of my previous organisation, Thomson Reuters, which is a fun place to work and very supportive to people who wants to report to work on their Bicycle.

While the benefits of cycling to work are nearly innumerable, we managed to round them down to just 10 points,  so that we wouldn’t run out of space on the Internet 😋.  From Know Your Bicycle™, here are our Top 10 Reasons why you should BIKE TO WORK!!

  • 1) Save Money: Bike to work will help you save a lot of money which anyways goes in for booking cabs, paying tolls & taxes, insurance, fuel or in parking fees. In my case, I saved around 10k in a month just by reporting to work on my bicycle.
Nothing better clears the head for a day at work than an early  morning cycling.
  • 2) Save time, which is more valuable: Looking at the fact, that at peak hours, there is a lot of traffic on roads, which kills your time, and you end up reporting to work late. However, on your bike, you’ll not only make it way before punching time, you can leave early too at your discretion, without depending on anyone.

Sneaking through the traffic makes you feel unstoppable

  • 3) Sense of Confidence: Cycling to work gives you a sense of achievement, which boost the confidence. People look upto you and get inspired. It gives a great feeling and improves over all mood.
  • 4) Keeps you Fit & Fine: Cycling improves cardio-vascular and aerobic fitness, lowers blood pressure, boosts energy, builds muscle, and improves coordination. You don’t have to take out time for gym, as cycling adds to your work-out and boosts your appetite. 
  • 5) Convenience:  One of the most common misconceptions about biking to work is that it’s inconvenient. But what’s more inconvenient is spending 20 minutes looking for parking every morning, waiting for the cab/bus/shuttle or getting stuck in an unexpected roadblock on the way. This is real inconvenience. Waiting is just a waste of time. 
  • 6) You’re​ Not The Only One: When you hit the road early morning, and you see so many people on their Bicycles already, pedaling their way to work, to earn their bread and butter. You’ll definately feel a part of a league of extraordinary people, who are not polluting the environment and silently performing their duties as well. Hats off to all my fellow cyclists. You are my motivators. 
  • 7) Road Presence: The road presence of a fully geared up Cyclist is beyond imagination. Fluroscent jacket, Reflective Tapes, Helmet, Front and Back blinkers, and the hand movements makes you all more visible and responsible on road
Stitched Reflective Tapes on my Bag for visibility on roads while commuting.
  • 8) Experience Freedom: The moment you saddle up, you began to feel the engine inside you getting started, the adrenaline rush which make you go on and on. You feel free and lively, and nothing can stop you once start pedaling. Explore the city at your own pace, try a new route, stop for coffee on the way to work and check out a new neighborhood on your way home. Cycling opens up avenues, both literal and figurative, to see your city in a whole new way. It’s your community, go live in it!

  • 9) Get Smart & Active: Biking to work makes you smarter. Research has proven that moderate, daily exercise can prevent cognitive declinesharpen memory and learning, and improve overall brain performance. Going slow and steady, helps you work on your attention to  a details and hereby getting to your flow state, where you’re laser-focused yet calm and composed.
  • 10) Inspire. Encourage. Motivate:  Quoting Mahatma Gandhi’s Golden Words, “Be the change you want to see.”  Set the right example, and contribute for better world for your kids to get inspired. Pick up cycling and bring it into practice, and inspire as many as you can on the move. 

Work to Eat – Eat to Live. 

Live to Ride – Ride to Work.

Do Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Know Your Bicycle™ to figure out the bike of your type and all the needful information about cycling.

May you have a wonderful journey ahead! 🚴

Aakaash RS

5 things that cheer you up while cycling!

5 things that cheer you up while cycling!

In long distance cycling, there are times, when you run out of energy, when you feel lil low, when you feel like quitting, when the destinations seems far away. Yeah! That’s the moment you got to tightens the grip, you got to bring yourself back on track. How? Okay! Let’s get started!!

1) Change the posture.


Yeah! Cycling in wrong posture can make you feel tired. You gotta keep experimenting for attaining that one “comfortable” posture, in which you can go on for hours and hours. Either you can adjust the seat post or you can experiment with the grip.

2) Play you favourite track and Sing along.

My music partner. Logitec X100 on the handle bar.

Music can literally give you wings. It can take you to a different tangent. Time flies like anything. And so your milestones. Don’t play sad track. You know what I mean. Play upbeating track. You’ll feel an adrenaline rush in your veins and it can bring a big smile on your face. And in case your bike is making some noise with every pedal, try and jam it up Mr. DJ!

3) Funny memories can make you laugh!


Along the way you will witness a lot of funny and cute thing happening. Puppies fighting, kids playing, people sneezing..yawning..haha! These thing can make you laugh. Play a funny movie in your head full of unprecedented moments like pranks. Cherish and relive those moments. It’s A great stress buster!

4) Acknowledge with a smile! 👍


On the way, you’ll find a lot of people appreciating you in the form of thumbs ups, smiles, waving hand, or a comment like “well done” or “very good” etc etc. Please acknowledge the same with a smile. It gives a good feeling to both the parties.

Just in case of you find someone, just looking at you like an ass, well…I would request you to smile back at him too for ending up thing on good note. Haha!

5) Stop at a lively place for refreshments.


A place where you can relax, find families enjoying, kids playing, cute puppies jumping. Well they all are stress busters. Eat something sweet. It will give you a energy boost. Lot of water. Relax for a while and you’ll be back on track.


These are not just points but real like l life experiences. Cycling has taught me a lot of things and has redefined the basis of my life. The adventurous spirit inside me is more colorful than before.

Have a beautiful journey ahead!

Stay happy! Stay blessed! Keep cycling!

-Aakaash RS

12 Excuses that STOP you from cycling.

In this post I’m going to highlight 12 excuses that STOP you from cyclingYeah! You read it right. There are always some or the other reasons which hold you back from cycling and the purpose of this article is to work on your weaknesses to that extent that they end up becoming your strengths. So lets get started.

1) I don’t know how to keep my balance!


Well they say – practice makes man perfect. If you won’t practice, you won’t get it. Riding a bicycle is not rocket science. Giving an excuse of not knowing how to keep your balance on a bicycle is the sign of a quitter. Most of us have learned to ride a bicycle in our childhood with the help of supporting wheels or someone who stood by our side. If you haven’t mastered it yet then you’re seriously missing out on the fun and that sheer pleasure of riding a bicycle. One can learn all his life. Start anew! Start afresh. Keep practicing. You will keep becoming better and better with every pedal.

As Albert Einstein rightly quoted “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. Never settle and keep moving forward with confidence and determination and you’ll achieve all your goals sooner or later.

2) I’m feeling lazy

lazy person.jpg

Meet my friend, Mr.Snorlax, the laziest guy on this planet. He is infamous for making plans and NOT working on them. He is getting fat and lazy day by day. If you are like him, then I would seriously suggest you to step out and exercise. And for that matter cycling would be pretty perfect. Its refreshing and healing. Little workout everyday will keep you busy for all the good reasons.  And once you start working out, you switch to the “active mode.”

Remember, Lazy attitude will lead you nowhere. Nothing truly great ever came from a comfort zone.

3) No time! Choked up calendar.


The best excuse to avoid certain situation in LIFE is when you say – I don’t have time for that”. If you are also caught up with lot of work, or have prior commitments or back to back meetings, then I would suggest you to plan your schedules accordingly and take out time for youselfElse, the end result would be the same as Mr.Snorlax. Fat and Lazy!

Take out little time for yourself. Go for a ride on your bicycle. You’ll see how refreshing it is when the wind gushes in your face taking all your worries and sorrows away. You will become the engine of your bicycle and you will feel great about it.

4) Waiting of the right moment.


I believe, its just a way to convince yourself, otherwise, there is nothing like the “Right Moment”. Every moment is special. Every moment has its own charms and miracles. So, whenever you feel like cycling, go ahead. Its a stress-buster!  You’ll feel great in the end. And, if you wish to wait, you’re gonna keep on procrastinating for some or the other reasons.

Live the moment.

5) I can’t ride alone!


Well i know, its always fun riding with a group of “Like Minded” & “Bike Minded” buddies, but ask yourself– How depended are you on them? How fair it is to kill that zeal just because, no one turned up for the ride? For me its like locking up the horses in the stable who are dying for a wild run in nature.

Solo riding is enlightening. You analyse the world and all its processes. You work on yourself. Its like a therapy. Yes of course, you will meet and greet new faces along the way and you’ll come back with a lot of memories.

Solo riding is even more fun. You tend to know yourself better.

6) Why to Cycle when i have a CAR! 


I guess the picture above says it load and clear. Cycle is Eco-Friendly. Its a stress buster. Its refreshing and it keep you fit. The bottom line is that people who cycle regularly live longer on average with healthier lives and less illness. Cycling takes you farther, faster and less punishing on your knees as compared to running. Plus, cycling is a skill which everyone should learn and practice more often as it has NO side effects on our nature your on your wallet.

7) I don’t have the stamina!


Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Doubting your potential is like not giving yourself a chance to shine, a moment to live. Give yourself a chance. It will only make you better and better. No Pain No GainThe pain you will feel today will be your strength tomorrow. Cycling encourages you to believe in yourself, to set goals and then to go out and conquer them. Go ahead! Put yourself to test. Challenge yourself.

Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.

8) Bad Habits


Habits are activities people do over and over again. They are like a comfortable bed, a cozy quilt. Easy to get into, but hard to get out of. Take control of your habits. Take control of your Life. There are lot of bad habits which can hold you back from doing a lot of good things in life. Let a Good Habit replace a Bad One. Start cycling regularly. Work out daily. Get busy. One good habit can take down a lot of bad ones and you have the caliber of doing the needful.

Good Habits are as addictive as Bad Habits. But much more rewarding.

9) Pollution!!


Where there is pollution. There is a Solution.

Lot of companies are offering Anti Pollution Masks for filtering the pollutants from entering our lungs. Wear these masks when you cycle. These pollutants are consists of Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen & Sulpher dioxides & Particulate matter, and are reported to reduce lung functions, and restrict air passages which leads to chest pain, as well as increasing the chance of developing asthma. So take precautions for healthy living.

Be a smart rider. And choose the right way.

10)  I’m not in good mood!


Cycling is the best therapy people do for rejuvenating, relaxing, and healing up their souls. When you come out on the road, close to nature, you tend to focus on the things full of life. A sudden change of atmosphere can fill your life with joy and bliss. And, cycling can literally take away all your worries with a gush of a wind. 

Go ahead! Results are no less than miracles.

11) Cycling? What people will think.


What people will think, has killed more dreams than anything else in the world. People are cynical about cycling because they can’t see themselves doing this. One cannot tame the tongue. But one can surely follow his/her heart passionately. It’s your life in the end. Live it to the fullest. Make it more meaningful. Do what you love. Love you what you do. Set the right example. Inspire others.

Coming up with an excuse like this is like suppressing your own identity. Stand for yourself. Be Happy.Be fearless. Be proud for whosoever you are. Sometimes being yourself is the hardest things to do. Not going along with the crowd can help you stand out in the crowd. Cycling will help you in knowing yourself better. It will help you transform into a better and stronger person inside out.  

Last but not the least…..

12) I’m Handicapped!


Well, we all are handicapped in someway or the other be it mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, economically, politically or socially. There are certain things which always hold us back from following our heart. And the sole purpose of this post is to turn those Weaknesses into your StrengthsUsing it as an excuse is like accepting that fact and not working on it. And I want you to FOCUZ

Life is all about getting better and stronger day by day. We all have seen so many beautiful examples who lived their lives to the fullest, because they had a burning desire, an undying zeal, which unleashed the power in them to face the odd and surpass the evil. One such person is Aditya Mehta. A fellow cyclist who cycled from Kashmir to Kanyakumari with his prosthetic leg and even 


Not only this, he had created Aditya Mehta Foundation (AMF)  a non-profit organisation which aids people with disabilities to pursue sports while providing self-sustenance. AMF aims to help them reach their potential in their chosen field of sports and help them have a self-sustaining life. Hats off to a spirit like this.

The only disability in life is a BAD ATTITUE.


Cycling is a skill, an art, a therapy, a stress buster, a challenge, a passion, a way of life. Everyone should cycle their way to glory. Its a wonderful invention and we should use it more often as its eco-friendly in nature. Find below some benefits of cycling coming your way.


Have a beautiful journey ahead!

Stay happy! Stay blessed! Keep cycling!

-Aakaash RS

30 reasons why you should start cycling 🚵


There are so many benefits that I can literally write a book on why I chose Cycle over other motorized vehicles. However, I have pointed down some 30 points which will make you think loud about gifting yourself a bike for a healthy living. So lets get started!


1. You’ll get there faster

Commute by bike in the India’s major cities and you’ll get there in half the time of cars. In fact, if you drive for an hour in Delhi’s rush hour, you’ll spend over 30 minutes going absolutely nowhere and average just 8kmph, compared to averaging around 25kmph while cycling.


2. Sleep more deeply

An early morning ride might knacker you out in the short term, but it’ll help you catch some quality shut-eye time when you get back to your pillow. The time required for the insomniacs to fall asleep was reduced by half, and sleep time increased by almost an hour.

Exercising outside exposes you to daylight. This helps get your circadian rhythm back in sync, and also rids your body of cortisol, the stress hormone that can prevent deep, regenerative sleep.

Vikram on the way to India Gate.

3. Look younger

Cycling regularly can protect your skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and reduce the signs of ageing. Increased circulation through exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to skin cells more effectively, while flushing harmful toxins out. Exercise also creates an ideal environment within the body to optimise collagen production, helping reduce the appearance of wrinkles and speed up the healing process.


4. You work on the core

The benefits of cycling extend deep into your core. By exercising the lower abdominals, you are targeting part of your core, or the group of muscles that improve your posture, balance and stability.


5. Increase your brain power

Need your grey matter to sparkle? Then get pedalling. Researchers from Illinois University found that a 5% improvement in cardio-respiratory fitness from cycling led to an improvement of up to 15 percent in mental tests. That’s because cycling helps build new brain cells in the hippocampus – the region responsible for memory, which deteriorates from the age of 30. It boosts blood flow and oxygen to the brain, which fires and regenerates receptors.


6. Beat illness

Forget apples, riding’s the way to keep the doctor at bay. Moderate exercise makes immune cells more active, so they’re ready to fight off infection. Plus, a cyclist drink more water (approx 2-3Ltrs) than the one who doesn’t work out. Drinking enough water maintains the body’s fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food, and more.


7. Live longer

King’s College London compared over 2,400 identical twins and found those who did the equivalent of just three 45-minute rides a week were nine yearsbiologically younger’ even after discounting other influences, such as body mass index (BMI) and smoking.

Those who exercise regularly are at significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, all types of cancer, high blood pressure and obesity. The body becomes much more efficient at defending itself and regenerating new cells. 



8. Save the planet

20 bicycles can be parked in the same space as one car. It takes around five percent of the materials and energy used to make a car to build a bike, and a bike produces zero pollution.

Bikes are efficient, too – you travel around 3 times as fast as walking for the same amount of energy. You have your weight ratio to thank: you’re about six times heavier than your bike, but a car is 20 times heavier than you. It’s pollution free. Saves money. Burns fat. What else you need?


9. Improve your sex life

Meanwhile, research carried out at Harvard University found that men aged over 50 who cycle for at least three hours a week have a 30 percent lower risk of impotence, and erectile dysfunction than those who do no exercise at all. Concerning?


10. It’s good breeding

A ‘bun in the oven’ could benefit from your riding as much as you. Mums-to-be who regularly exercise during pregnancy have an easier, less complicated labour, recover faster and enjoy better overall mood throughout the nine months. Your pride and joy also has a 50 percent lower chance of becoming obese and enjoys better in-utero neurodevelopment.


11. Heal your heart

Regular cycling can cut your risk of heart disease by 50 percent. And according to the British Heart Foundation, around 10,000 fatal heart attacks could be avoided each year if people kept themselves fitter. Cycling just 50 kms a week reduces your risk of heart disease to less than half that of those who take no exercise.



Get out and saddle up! Set the right example wherever you are. Home. Office. Playground. Let the people around watch you. There are no doubts about it that a cyclist looks a lot cooler than a biker. When you cycle, you become the ENGINE of your MACHINE. And you run on sheer adrenaline. It takes you to places, a biker has never been. From the start till the end, and everything in between. Keep Inspiring!


13. Cycle away from the big C

There’s plenty of evidence that any exercise is useful in warding off cancer, but some studies have shown that cycling is specifically good for keeping your cells in working order. One long-term study carried out by Finnish researchers found that men who exercised at a moderate level for at least 30 minutes a day were half as likely to develop cancer as those who didn’t. Other studies have found that women who cycle frequently reduce their risk of breast cancer by 34 percent.


14. Lose weight in the saddle

Loads of people who want to shift some heft think that heading out for a jog is the best way to start slimming down. But this mission doesn’t lasts long as they run out of fuel. While, Cycling makes you meet new faces, takes you to new places, fill up those empty spaces.. of your life. Adds a lot of color and positive energy to your life and make it more meaningful and cheerful. And in the end you didn’t realize you burned a lot of calories along the way. Running is not that fun though.


15. Cycling bring you close to Nature!

The moment you step out under the clouds, on the road, and very close to Nature, you realize that how beautiful it is to cycle in a peaceful environment, letting your heart breath free by being totally stress free. Let nature be your teacher. Let all your sorrows sink in that breeze and let your heart fills up with joy and bliss. It’s a beautiful way to connect with the nature.


16. Avoid pollution

You’d think a city cyclist would suck up much more pollution than the drivers and passengers in the vehicles chucking out the noxious gases. Not so, according to a study carried out by Imperial College London. Researchers found that passengers in buses, taxis and cars inhaled substantially more pollution than cyclists and pedestrians.

On average, taxi passengers were exposed to more than 100,000 ultrafine particles – which can settle in the lungs and damage cells – per cubic centimetre. Bus passengers sucked up just under 100,000 and people in cars inhaled about 40,000. Cyclists, meanwhile, were exposed to just 8,000 ultrafine particles per cubic centimetre. It’s thought that cyclists breathe in fewer fumes because we ride at the edge of the road and, unlike drivers, aren’t directly in the line of exhaust smoke.

Cyclists breathe in fewer fumes than drivers. And contribute NONE!!


17. Enjoy healthy family time

Cycling is an activity the whole family can do together. The smallest tyke can clamber into a bike seat or tow-along buggy, and because it’s kind on your joints, there’s nothing to stop grandparents joining in too.

Moreover, your riding habit could be sowing the seeds for the next generation. Studies have found that, unsurprisingly, kids are influenced by their parents’ exercise choices. Put simply, if your kids see you riding regularly, they think it’s normal and will want to follow your example.


18. You consciously start avoiding junk food!

When you’re cycling, you tend to gulp down lot of liquid supplements to avoid dehydration. And for being on the right track, you tend to avoid junk food, oily, cheezy, high calorie diet.  Else….it would be like, undoing….what was done so passionately in the spirit of staying fit and healthy.

The moment you set schedules for healthy lifestyle, this disgust feeling for junk food will come on its own. All you have to religiously follow your schedule and see that change coming.


19. A new lifestyle!

Biking culture is blossoming everywhere. With the young and trendy taking to the streets with their stylishly renovated old city bicycle.  It’s not just a means of transport; it’s actually a new kind of lifestyle that is celebrated by forward-thinking people around the world. Cycling is the new ‘hobby’ in town and the trend has caught on with the young and the young at heart alike. People are not only getting their bums on saddle for health reasons, but some of them are taking it a step ahead and even commuting to work; the next logical thing will be the growing popularity of cycling holidays in India.


20. Make creative breakthroughs!

Writers, musicians, artists, top executives and all kinds of other professionals prefer sneaking out to Nature for solve mental blocks and make decisions. A study found that just 25 minutes of cycling boosts at least one measure of creative thinking. Credit goes to the flow of oxygen to your grey matter when it matters the most, sparking your neurons and giving you breathing space away from the muddle and pressures of ‘real life’. You come across lot of interesting things and people in general, and lot of beautiful and peaceful places where your mind ease out and open up to innovative ideas. Try it out!


21. Volunteer for Social Campaigns to make your life meaningful.

Many cyclists turn their health, fitness and determination into fundraising efforts for the less fortunate. Lot of Government run Social Campaigns are investing in cyclists who are willing to  spread their schemes in towns and villages for overall welfare. Come out and volunteer for such campaigns and make your life meaning.


22. Wallet Friendly Fitness!

Regular, everyday cycling has huge benefits that can justify you binning your wallet-crippling gym membership. Regular cyclists enjoy a fitness level equal to that of a person who’s 10 years younger.


23. Boost your bellows

No prizes for guessing that the lungs work considerably harder than usual when you ride. An adult cycling generally uses 10 times the oxygen they’d need to sit in front of the TV for the same period. Even better, regular cycling will help strengthen your cardiovascular system over time, enabling your heart and lungs to work more efficiently and getting more oxygen where it’s needed, quicker. This means you can do more exercise for less effort. How good does that sound?


24. Burn more fat

Sports physiologists have found that the body’s metabolic rate – the efficiency with which it burns calories and fat – is not only raised during a ride, but for several hours afterwards. Even after cycling for 30 minutes, you could be burning a higher amount of total calories for a few hours after you stop.

And as you get fitter, the benefits are more profound. One recent study showed that cyclists who incorporated fast intervals into their ride burned three-and-a-half times more body fat than those who cycled constantly but at a slower pace.


25. You’re developing a positive addiction

Replace a harmful dependency – such as cigarettes, alcohol or eating too much chocolate – with a positive one, says William Glasser, author of Positive Addiction. The result? You’re a happier, healthier person getting the kind of fix that boosts the good things in life.


26. Get (a legal) high

University of Bonn neurologists visualised endorphins in the brains of 10 volunteers before and after a two-hour of cycling using a technique called positive emission tomography (PET). They found evidence of more opiate binding of the happy hormone in the frontal and limbic regions of the brain – areas known to be involved in emotional processing and dealing with stress.

There’s a direct link between feelings of wellbeing and exercise, and for the first time this study proves the physiological mechanism behind that.


27. Make friends and stay healthy

The social side of riding could be doing you as much good as the actual exercise. Socialising releases the hormone oxytocin, which buffers the ‘fight or flight’ response.

Those with the most friends cut the risk of an early death by more than 60 percent, reducing blood pressure and strengthening their immune system. The results were so significant that the researchers concluded not having close friends or confidants is as detrimental to your health as smoking or carrying extra weight. Add in the fitness element of cycling too and you’re onto a winner.


28. Cycling as a Therapy! Challenge yourself!

Even if you’re miserable when you saddle up, cranking through the miles will lift your spirits. Any mild-to-moderate exercise releases natural feel-good endorphins that help counter stress and make you happy.  That’s probably why four times more physiologists prescribe cycling therapy as their most common treatment for depression. Just three 30-minute sessions a week can be enough to give people the lift they need.


29. Feeling tired? Go for a ride

Sounds counter-intuitive but if you feel too tired for a ride, the best thing you can do is go for ride. Physical activity for even a few minutes is a surprisingly effective wake-up call. The whole body gets active and the adrenaline rushes in your veins make you feel alive all of a sudden. It’s just amazing!


30. Spend quality time with your partner

It doesn’t matter if your paces aren’t perfectly matched – just slow down and enjoy each other’s company. Many couples make one or two riding ‘dates’ every week. And it makes sense: exercise helps release feel-good hormones, so after a ride you’ll have a warm feeling towards each other.

Well, I just love cycling, and can talk/write about it all my life. This sport has changed me inside out as a person, and added so many beautiful colors in my life. I met so many like minded and bike minded people along the way. I have witnessed so many beautiful, life changing miracles taking place. I feel so close to Nature and calm in my head that literally nothing boils my blood and  make me aggressive.

I suggest you all to saddle up at least once to know how beautiful it feels when you learn that – the only way to balance is to keep moving forward, keep moving forward! No matter what may come! Keep moving forward in life!

Stay happy! Stay blessed! Keep cycling!

Aakaash RS

1st Teaser: A Beautiful Odyssey from Kashmir To Kanyakumari

Finally! Hurray! I’ve a blog now where I can jot down all my feeling, thoughts, perspectives, ideas, suggestions, concerns, and anything and everything which I may come across while riding my bicycle from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Its somewhere around 4000kms, which I’m planning to cover in a month.

From mountains to valleys, to deserts, to beaches. A new and a different sunrise, sunset everyday. Different places, different people, different cultures, different languages, but having one thing in common, well that’s a smile, which is accepted by all.

I have been cycling for almost 3 years now, have been to a lot of places till date. However, Kashmir to Kanyakumari has always been a dream ride for me. As i will be a free rider cum explorer, under the clouds, close to nature, on the roads, meeting and greeting new faces. Oh! its gonna be an amazing ride.

This is my 1st blog ever, turning it into a teaser for people to know and learn what i am going to experience as a rider.



Aakash Oswal